4S Device Communication Module Collection  Version 0.6-SNAPSHOT
Full documentation of the modules in the 4SDC collection (aimed at 4SDC module developers)
Getting Started

This page will guide you through the steps necessary to download the 4SDC source code and get the HTML/JS demo application successfully up and running. Furthermore, the final section will offer some instructions about how to contact 4S and how to contribute.

Download the 4SDC Sources and Demo Application

4SDC comprises a cross-platform library written in C++ which is able to communicate through a Platform Abstraction Layer (PAL) with platform-specific modules. We currently have some support for Android, iOS, Linux and OS X.

Furthermore, there is a demo application, DemoHtmlIntegration, which will present a web-browser window, and provide access from the JavaScript code executed within this browser window to connected personal health devices. This demo application is based on Qt5 (see www.qt.io).

Currently, the 4SDC core libraries and the demo application is kept in the same repository. This is only temporary! Stay tuned, as the core libraries will be moving out to a different repository in the (near?) future.

The 4SDC source code (the library along with the demo application) may either be downloaded as a single Zip package from bitbucket.org/4s/4sdcdemo/downloads, or you can use Git to clone the code from bitbucket.org/4s/4sdcdemo.git.

Finding the Documentation

An introduction to the the 4SDC module collection is available at the 4S wiki This would be the place to begin for newcomers.

The technical documentation (which you are currently reading) is embedded in the source code and generated by Doxygen. There are two variants of the technical documentation available: the default, also known as "Public Interfaces", will provide the reader with the information necessary to use the 4SDC modules; the other one is known as "Full Developer' documentation", and its contents is aimed at developers working on the internals of 4SDC. You are currently reading the "Full Developer" variant.

The technical documentation is available at 4s-online.dk/4SDC/Documentation, and you can also build them yourself. Please refer to the instructions at the top of Doxyfile (found in the repository root folder) for the required tools to do so.

Executing the Demo Application

Currently, the only supported/documented way to build and run the 4SDC library is together with the demo application. The instructions to do so is available at the 4S wiki. Please feel free to contribute to these wiki pages with any issue you come across when testing the demo on your platform, in order to help others get up and running as smoothly as possible. The demo should currently run (with various device support) on Android, iOS, Linux and OS X. Only Android and iOS are officially supported, though!

Contact and How To Contribute

If you encounter bugs or have a feature request, our issue tracker is available here. Please read the 4S issuetracking guidelines before using it.

Source code contributions can be submitted as pull requests. Again, please read the 4S source contribution guidelines before submitting. Furthermore, please contact us at software@4s-online.dk before you start making contributions, in order to coordinate the work.

Improvements to our wiki-guide on building and running the demo application are also welcome. This page will guide you through contributing to the wiki.

Finally, if you have any questions whatsoever (regarding 4SDC, that is), feel free to ask it on our forum!